ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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On Sunday 5th May 2019, 57 members of the ACCA City Seniors Group and guests embarked on a day trip to the Cedar Creek Orchard in Thirlmere (near Picton) to pick persimmons and also visited the nearby NSW Rail Museum. They travelled by a chartered bus. The day trip was organised by ACCA City Seniors Group Leader Mr Ho Ching Quan and Assistant Group Leader Emily Huang together with ACCA Vice President Shirley Chan.

The first stop was the Cedar Creek Orchard where persimmons were in season. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed picking their choice of persimmons on a “try before you buy” basis and they took this opportunity to purchase persimmons fresh from the farm.

The group then made their way to Picton Bowling club for lunch. After lunch the NSW Rail Museum was the next destination. The Museum tour guide showed the group around, followed by free afternoon tea.

The ACCA City Seniors and their guests enjoyed the day’s activities immensely and were thankful to Group Leader Mr Ho Ching Quan, Assistant Group Leader Emily Huang, ACCA Vice Presidents Shirley Chan and Christine Mok for their attendance and support for the event.

It had been a long day when the group headed back to Sydney’s Central Station in early evening.  Everyone was exhausted but from the looks on their faces it had been an enjoyable trip with many showing each other large bags of fresh persimmons they had purchased.

The trip was partly funded by ACCA.

ACCA Editorial Team