ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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On 14th September 2016, ACCA held a Moon Festival Celebration at Redfern Town Hall.

ACCA’s directors who attended included President Shirley Chan, Vice-President Daniel Kwan, Christine Mok and Xiali Zhu. Guest of honour was Alex Greenwich, State Member for Sydney. Also present was Dr Emma Mayhew of the Department of Family and Community Services NSW, along with approximately one hundred social housing tenants and guests.

In Shirley Chan’s welcoming speech, she said that it is exciting to extend ACCA’s Moon Festival celebration to include our local social housing tenants this year. She also acknowledged the generous funding from Department of Family and Community Services.

“This celebration which includes participants from different ethnic groups is a demonstration of ACCA’s values of inclusiveness and is an important reflection of cultural harmony and community cohesion. This event brings together people living in social housing to build stronger relationships amongst themselves and also with their community service providers. This fun filled event is definitely an ideal setting to foster closer ties in our communities” said Shirley Chan.

Alex Greenwich MP conveyed his best wishes to the participants in his speech, and acknowledged ACCA’s long term commitment and achievements in providing quality community services.

There were cultural dancing, singing, Chinese opera, riddle games, moon cake tasting and a healthy lunch to delight the cheering crowd.