ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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ACCA 48th Annual General Meeting

Sunday, 11 December 2022 

ACCA held its 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 11th December 2022 at Club Parramatta. 


The AGM was declared open by President Tim Feng at 12.00noon - a quorum of 95 (voting members including proxies) was registered at the time. Mr Feng presented his report for the year 2021-22. 

He reported that the financial year of 2021-2022 had been one of continuous change and reform, with a change in the Federal Government in May 2022. Mr Feng was pleased that the new government was committed to resolving critical issues in the aged care sector, especially in regards to workforce shortages and low wages for aged care workers.

Mr Feng thanked Mr Felix Lam who retired in May 2022 for his service as a Director and past President, and also welcomed Mr Derek Li on his appointment to the Board.

Thereafter, Treasurer Christine Mok presented her report for the financial year ended 30 June 2022. 

Ms Mok congratulated the management for another year of outstanding financial success, also noting that this had been the thirteenth consecutive year of surplus achieved by ACCA.

Members asked about the subject of electronic communication from ACCA to members, as well as potential cybersecurity threats to ACCA. The directors and General Manager explained that ACCA has taken pro-active steps to encourage members to provide their email addresses to ACCA as a means of communication so as to minimise sending mail by post. In addition, members were also advised that ACCA has strengthened its cybersecurity measures in light of reported heightened risks faced by many organisations.

The meeting was declared closed at 12.30pm.

Thereafter, the members adjourned to ACCA’s Parramatta office where special guest Dr Andrew Charlton MP, Federal Member for Parramatta congratulated ACCA’s directors, management, staff and volunteers for the tireless work they perform in the aged care and disability care sectors as well as for delivering other community services. Dr Charlton then joined the members and guests for lunch to celebrate another successful year. 


The Editorial Team