ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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ACCA 46th Annual General Meeting – 14 March 2021

Friday, 19 March 2021

ACCA held its 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 14th March 2021 at   

Club Parramatta.


The AGM was declared opened by President Tim Feng at 12.07pm - a quorum of 87 (voting members plus proxies) was registered at the time. Mr Feng presented his report for the year 2019-20.

Mr Feng said “The aged care industry faced several challenges during the year – of note were the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and in particular the Covid-19 pandemic. ACCA’s centre-based day care services and Lifestyle activities were temporarily suspended from 28 January 2020 due to the pandemic.

Everyone at ACCA has shown extraordinary resilience and fortitude in overcoming the adversity brought about by Covid-19. I would like to thank the senior management for guiding ACCA during this extraordinary period.

The General Manager, the Service Manager and I had the pleasure of attending a virtual meeting with ACCA’s Joint Patrons, the Governor of New South Wales and Mr Dennis Wilson on 1st June 2020. Her Excellency the Hon. Margaret Beazley AC QC and Mr Dennis Wilson offered words of encouragement to ACCA and thanked the Board and staff for their services to the community during this challenging time”.

Treasurer Eric Wu presented his report for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.

Mr Wu said “ACCA recorded a year of good performance underpinned by strong income growth from aged care and disability care services accompanied by effective cost management. This is the eleventh consecutive year of surplus achieved by ACCA and reflects the prudent financial stewardship exercised by the management”.

Under ‘Other business’ a member thanked the management and the staff for the good work carried out in a difficult year. The member asked whether there were any plans for future activities to cater for younger members of ACCA. Tim Feng said that in the past ACCA had a Youth Subcommittee which organised activities for the younger members. The board will look to revive this Youth Subcommittee in the future.

The final quorum at the AGM was 93 (voting members and proxies). The meeting was declared closed at 12.54pm.

Thereafter, the members adjourned to ACCA’s Parramatta office for lunch to celebrate another successful year.

The Editorial Team