ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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2020 Constitutional Amendments approved by members

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

ACCA’s proposed constitutional amendments were unanimously approved by members at a General Meeting held on Sunday 20th December 2020 at Club Parramatta.  

ACCA President, Mr Tim Feng declared the General Meeting opened at 12.02pm after a quorum of 79 (voting members plus proxies) was registered at that time. Mr Feng briefly outlined to members the main reasons for the proposed amendments to the constitution - to provide the opportunity for the possible establishment of “Social Enterprise” to further the objects of ACCA; to introduce electronic meetings for Board of Directors, Councillors and members; to reduce the quorum of members for General Meetings and Annual General Meetings from 50 to 40 including proxies; and the correction of minor inconsistencies and grammatical errors.

Vice President Shirley Chan assisted with translation from English to Cantonese and Secretary John Hugh from English to Mandarin.

There were several questions from the floor about the possible establishment of Social Enterprise and about holding electronic meetings in the future. Members were happy with the additional information given by the President.

The proposed amendments were approved unanimously by the members without any alterations. The members were supportive of the constitutional amendments as they agreed they were necessary to improve the efficiency and overall management of ACCA.

The President and directors thanked the members for their attendance at the General Meeting during a very challenging time.    

The meeting was declared closed at 12.25pm. Members then adjourned for refreshments.

Editorial Team