ACCA Aged Care Ltd

    ENGLISH    中文

ACCA celebrated the 2018 Seniors Festival on Wednesday 4th April at it’s Parramatta Service Centre. Approximately 80 people attended the event comprising of directors, senior members, aged day care clients, dementia care clients and representatives from the Women’s charitable organisation, Way In Network.

The VIPs who attended were State Member for Parramatta Dr Geoff Lee MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Western Sydney and Multiculturalism, State Member for Granville Ms Julia Finn MP and President of Way In Network, Ms Annie Tang.

ACCA President Ms Shirley Chan gave a warm welcome to the VIPs, representatives from Way In Network, ACCA seniors and clients. On behalf of ACCA, she thanked and expressed her gratitude to Way In Network for sponsoring the event.

Dr Geoff Lee, Julia Finn and Annie Tang in their speeches thanked ACCA for the community work that the organisation has been undertaking for the Chinese community in Sydney.

Representatives from Way In Network distributed “lai see” or red packets to the ACCA seniors as well as aged day care and dementia care clients.

The Sydney Chinese Dance Group performed a Mongolian dance and the representatives from Way In Network sang a classic Cantonese song to the delight of the audience.

A buffet style lunch was served to the attendees.


The Editorial Team