ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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A not-for-profit organisation like ACCA relies heavily on volunteers to deliver its aged and community care services through its various centres in Sydney.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, and have different educational and socio-economic backgrounds, but they have one common objective: to assist ACCA in delivering services to the frail elderly people and people with disability in Sydney that ACCA serves.

On Wednesday 10 May 2017, ACCA held its Volunteers Appreciation Luncheon in conjunction with the National Volunteers Week at The Eight Restaurant in Haymarket, Sydney to honour and thank all its volunteers. This annual event was to acknowledge the generous contribution of our volunteers for their time and efforts.

President Shirley Chan gave a speech thanking our many volunteers including our directors who are also volunteers. A total of 135 certificates were awarded to volunteers.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering their services to ACCA, please contact Peter Lau, Administration Manager on Tel: 02-9281 1377 for further details.


Editorial Team