ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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Notice of meeting and business to be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Chinese Community Association of New South Wales (ACCA) to be held at 12.00pm on Sunday, 9 December 2018 at Parramatta RSL Club, Corner Macquarie and O’Connell Streets, Parramatta, NSW 2150.

Registration to commence at 11:30am.



  1. Opening of meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. Confirmation of minutes of previous AGM held on 10 December 2017
  4. Report by President – Annual Report 2017-18
  5. Report by Treasurer – Annual Financial Report ended 30 June 2018 (including Auditor’s Report)
  6. Constitutional Amendment Resolution –

Special Resolution: That the proposed amendments to the Constitution (marked as “Annexure A”) as recommended by the Board be adopted.

Special Resolution means a resolution passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution. Clause 40.1 states that the Constitution may be altered, rescinded or added to only by a Special Resolution of the Company.

  1. Other business
  2. Close of meeting



Christine Mok


Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW

Dated 7th November 2018


Printed copies of Annual Financial Report 2017-18 can be obtained in person from ACCA City Centre Office or by contacting The Administration Manager on Tel: 9281 1377 or email:  Electronic copies of same are also available from the ACCA website


Note: Only Life Members, Honorary, Honorary Life, and Ordinary Members who have joined for at least 6 months prior to AGM and whose membership is financial before 4pm, 23 Nov 2018 are eligible to vote at the AGM.

Membership renewals may be made in person at ACCA, 2 Mary St, Surry Hills or by calling 9281 1377 during office hours. We accept Visa and Mastercard only.

Notice of meeting and business to be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Chinese Community Association of New South Wales (ACCA) to be held at 12.00pm on Sunday, 10 December 2017 at Parramatta RSL Club, Corner Macquarie and O’Connell Streets, Parramatta, NSW 2150.

Registration to commence at 11:30am.


1.         Opening of meeting

2.         Apologies

3.         Confirmation of minutes of previous AGM held on 4 December 2016 and General                Meeting held on 1 October 2017

4.         Report by President – Annual Report 2016-17

5.         Report by Treasurer – Annual Financial Report ended 30 June 2017 (including                    Auditor’s Report)

6.         Other business

7.         Election of Directors and Councillors

8.         Close of meeting


John Hugh


Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW

Dated 6th November 2017


Printed copies of Annual Financial Report 2016-2017 can be obtained in person from ACCA City Centre or by contacting The Administration Manager on tel: 9281 1377 or email:  Electronic copies of same are also available from the ACCA website


Nominees for position of Directors and Councillors may obtain nomination package with payment of non-refundable administration fee of $150.00 per nominee.

Please contact:  

Mr. Peter Lau,

Administration Manager, at ACCA City Centre,

2 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010. (Tel: 9281 1377).

Nomination forms are to be returned in a sealed envelope to

The Returning Officer

c/o The Secretary, ACCA

2 Mary St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Closing date for nomination: 4pm Friday 24 Nov 2017.

Note: Only Life Members, Honorary, Honorary Life, and Ordinary Members who have joined for at least 6 months prior to AGM and whose membership is financial before 4pm, 24 Nov 2017 are eligible to vote at the AGM.

Membership renewals may be made in person at ACCA, 2 Mary St, Surry Hills or by calling 9281 1377 during office hours. We accept Visa and MasterCard only.

Notice of meeting and business to be dealt with at the General Meeting (GM) of the Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW (ACCA) to be held at 2.00pm on Sunday, 1 October 2017 at Parramatta RSL Club, Cnr of Macquarie and O’Connell Streets, Parramatta, NSW 2150.
Registration to commence at 1:30pm.
1. Opening of meeting
2. Apologies
3. Constitutional Amendment Resolution –
          Special Resolution: That the proposed amendments to the Constitution                        (marked as “Annexure A”) as recommended by the Board be adopted.
           Special Resolution means a resolution passed by at least 75% of the votes cast              by members entitled to vote on the resolution. Clause 40.1 states that the                      Constitution may be altered, rescinded or added to only by a Special Resolution
           of the Company.
4. Other business
5. Close of meeting

EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM for the “Constitutional Amendment Resolution” – Pursuant to a joint meeting of the Board and Council on 27 August 2017, the Board resolved to adopt the following proposed amendmentsand to recommend to members for approval at the forthcoming General Meeting.

The objectives of the amendments are to streamline the management and administrative processes with a focus on the organisation’s efficiency, accountability, fairness and equity.
By Order of the Board
John Hugh
Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW
Dated 1st September 2017

Note: Only Life Members, Honorary, Honorary Life, and Ordinary Members who have joined for at least 6 months prior to GM and whose membership is financial before 4pm, 15 Sept 2017 are eligible to vote at the GM.
Membership renewals may be made in person at ACCA, 2 Mary St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 or by Visa/MasterCard by calling 9281 1377 during office hours.

ACCA held its 50th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 8th December 2024 at Club Parramatta. 

Upon confirmation of a quorum, the AGM was declared open by President Christine Mok at 12.05pm.


Ms Mok presented the President’s report for the year 2023-24. She began by announcing her pride in ACCA having navigated the complex economic and regulatory challenges of the aged care sector and emerging stronger than ever. She also thanked everyone who contributed to making our 50th Anniversary dinner attended by ACCA’s Joint Patrons, Her Excellency the Hon. Margaret Beazley AC KC Governor of NSW and Mr Dennis Wilson, Federal and State politicians and Local Government Councillors held on 1 November 2024, a resounding success.


Thereafter, Treasurer Tim Feng presented his report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024. 


Mr Feng congratulated the management for another year of outstanding financial success, noting 2024 financial year highlights;

·       Net annual operating surplus of $1.56 million

·       Net assets increased to $22.7million

·       Acquisition of an investment property in Beecroft for approximately $2.2million


The meeting was declared closed at 12.26pm.


Afterwards, the members adjourned to ACCA’s Parramatta office where special guests Ms Donna Davis MP Member for Parramatta and Ms Julia Finn MP Member for Granville congratulated ACCA’s directors, management, staff and volunteers for the tireless work they perform in the aged care and disability care sectors as well as for delivering other community services. Both MP’s then joined the members and guests for lunch to celebrate another successful year. 


The Editorial Team


ACCA’s 50th Anniversary dinner held on Friday the 1 November 2024, was a resounding success highlighted by the attendance of our Joint Patrons Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of NSW and Mr Dennis Wilson. MC Nicole He, welcomed the guests and prepared them for the grand entrance by the Official Party to the music of a Royal Fanfare signalling something special was about to take place.

To help celebrate this milestone occasion we were honoured to have not only our Joint Patrons Her Excellency the Governor and Mr Wilson in attendance but a cross section of Federal and State Members of Parliament, Local Government Councillors, past and present ACCA Presidents and office bearers, ACCA management and staff.

During the evening we heard congratulatory speeches from ACCA’s President Christine Mok, the Guest of Honour and joint patron Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Federal Politicians Dr Andrew Charlton MP representing the Prime Minister, The Hon David Coleman MP representing the Leader of the Opposition and The Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP delivering his speech in Mandarin! State Politicians Ms Julia Finn representing the Premier, Mr Mark Coure representing the Leader of the NSW Opposition.

All speeches made mention of ACCA’s humble beginnings in 1974 as a community service started by a group of volunteers to help newly arrived Chinese migrants, to becoming a successful Aged Care provider with over 350 staff serving more than 1,000 clients per week in services such as home care packages, respite care centres, meals services, a Chinese language school and disability services (NDIS).

Event Chair and Vice President Shirley Chan presented Her Excellency with a lovely bouquet of flowers as a token of our appreciation as joint patron and for attending our milestone event. Her Excellency and Mr Wilson then joined the Directors to cut the three-layered anniversary cake.

The Governor then mingled with our guests and care workers. All in attendance particularly appreciated the Governors presence and the meaningful interactions.  All while the food and wine served was plentiful and delicious with well known singers Daniel Li and Ken Ng entertaining the crowd with renditions of Chinese and Australian favorites which had the crowd dancing in the aisles.

The evening was a fitting celebration of half a century of dedication, a testament to ACCA’s incredible journey to provide quality Aged, Disability and Community care services. It was particularly pleasing the number of accolades our Patrons, VIP’s and  guests provided to staff, management and event organisers. 


The Editorial Team

5th November 2024

ACCA members would sometimes embark on a day trip to have an enjoyable time with each other.

ACCA hosted an appreciation luncheon for its volunteers on Thursday 23 May 2024 in conjunction with the National Volunteers Week.

President Christine Mok thanked the volunteers for their dedication and commitment in assisting ACCA deliver its aged care and community services to its elderly clients and those in need.

Certificates of Appreciation were handed out to the volunteers by President Christine Mok, Vice-Presidents Shirley Chan and Theresa Liang, and Secretary Erica Hendrawan.

Those present were serenaded by Diana Liu, who sang in Mandarin and Cantonese.


The Editorial Team


28 May 2024

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Madam Yuk Man Kwong celebrated her 100th birthday on 9th March 2024 with family members and ACCA staff at a restaurant in Haymarket. ACCA was represented by Case Managers, Angus Yip and Meg Lau.


In preparation for the event, ACCA arranged a special surprise for Madam Kwong by bringing along a decorated birthday cake and a bouquet of fresh flowers. The joy on her face upon seeing the surprise was truly heart-warming.


Madam Kwong thoroughly enjoyed the delicious food with her family and ACCA staff. They all gathered to sing the “Happy Birthday” song, the restaurant staff also joined in the singing which added to the joyous occasion. She expressed her gratitude to ACCA and specifically to the General Manager and senior management for organising such a memorable and joyful birthday party. It was a special occasion filled with laughter, love, and happiness that will be treasured for years into the future.


Madam Kwong was born in Hong Kong in 1924 and moved to Sydney in 1986 with her family. She now lives in Redfern and has been a Home Care client of ACCA since 2019.


Following her birthday party Madam Kwong informed ACCA she was honoured to receive a Birthday Greeting from His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla, to add to her excitement, Madam Kwong also received a Certificate of Congratulations from His Excellency David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor General of Australia, The Hon Anthony Albanese MP Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon Chris Minns MP Premier of New South Wales, The Hon Linda Burney MP, Member for Barton, Mayor of Bayside Council Councillor Bill Saravinovski.


From all the staff, management and members of ACCA, we offer our good wishes and heartfelt congratulations to Madam Kwong on the occasion of her 100th Birthday.


The Editorial Team


Tuesday, 27 February 2024

On 15 February 2024, approximately 100 NDIS participants, their family and carers, many adorned in traditional New Year attire, gathered for a luncheon celebrating the Year of the Dragon at a restaurant in Chatswood.

At 12:00 noon, to start the event, ACCA Service Manager Sharyn DiNatale, extended a warm welcome to all attendees. Despite her limited proficiency in Chinese, she endeavoured to convey Chinese New Year greetings using phonetic transcriptions. Her pronunciation brought bursts of laughter and joy to many of those present.

An assortment of traditional Chinese New Year dishes were served, elevating the occasion into an experience of culinary delight. The attendees exchanged New Year greetings whilst enjoying the cuisine. A lucky draw was held at the end of the event, adding festive joy and delight to the occasion.

The event received overwhelming positive feedback, with attendees requesting ACCA to host more of such events in the future.

Special acknowledgment goes to the NDIS team for their efforts in organizing the successful celebration.

As we enter the Year of the Dragon, ACCA conveys our sincerest wishes for a joyful and prosperous Chinese New Year to all members of the community.

ACCA 49th Annual General Meeting

Friday, 15 December 2023

ACCA held its 49th Annual General Meeting on Sunday 10th December 2023 at Club Parramatta.


The AGM was declared opened by President Tim Feng at 12.02pm – a quorum of 77 was recorded at the time. We were pleased to see many of our members turning up to support ACCA.


Mr Feng presented the President’s Report for the year 2022-2023. He highlighted the outstanding results in ACCA’s Quality Standards Audit conducted by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. He also mentioned ACCA making inroads into the digital transformation strategy with a commitment to streamline data management tasks by digitalisation of our paper-based systems.


Thereafter, Christine Mok presented the Treasurer’s Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2023. The highlights of her report were – ACCA achieved an operating surplus of $1.7 million and net assets increased to $21.1 million.


The Returning Officer announced the results of the election of Directors. The following persons were re-elected as Directors – Shirley Chan, Tim Feng, Erica Hendrawan, Derek Li, Theresa Liang and Christine Mok.


The Board thanked John Hugh who retired in June 2023 for his services as Secretary and Director. The Board also thanked Helena Chai who retired from office for her services as director.


Members were informed that ACCA had recently purchased a residential property in Beecroft for investment purposes.


The meeting was declared closed at 12.36pm.


The members were invited to ACCA’s Parramatta office for lunch to celebrate another outstanding year.



The Editorial Team




Notice of Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Notice of meeting and business to be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Chinese Community Association of New South Wales (ACCA) to be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 10th December 2023 at Club Parramatta at 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150.

Registration will commence at 11:30am. Ballot papers for election of directors issued to eligible voting members.


In the event of restrictions imposed by a new public health order up to and including the date of the AGM, please refer to the ACCA website for further information.



1. Opening of meeting

2. Apologies

3. Confirmation of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 11 December 2022 and General Meeting held on 22 October 2023

4. Report by President – Annual Report 2022-23

5. Report by Treasurer – To receive and consider the Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2023 (including Auditor’s Report)

6. Other business

7. Declaration of results for the election of Directors by Returning Officer

8. Close of meeting


Theresa Liang


Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW

Dated 8th November 2023