Notice of General Meeting (20 December 2020)
Notice of meeting and business to be dealt with at the General Meeting (GM) of the Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW (ACCA) to be held at 12:00pm on Sunday, 20 December 2020 at Club Parramatta at 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150.
Registration to commence at 11:30am.
- Opening of meeting
- Apologies
- Constitutional Amendment Resolution –
Special Resolution: That the proposed amendments to the Constitution (marked as “Annexure A”) as recommended by the Board be adopted.
Special Resolution means a resolution passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution in accordance with Clauses 32.2 (b) and 32.4. Clause 40.1 states that the Constitution may be altered, rescinded or added to only by a Special Resolution of the Company.
- Other business
- Close of meeting
EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM for the “Constitutional Amendment Resolution” – Pursuant to a joint meeting of the Board and Council on 8 November 2020, the Board resolved to adopt the following proposed amendments and to recommend to members for approval at the forthcoming General Meeting on 20 December 2020. The main reasons for the amendments are -
- To provide the opportunity for the possible establishment of “Social Enterprise” to further the objects of ACCA;
- To introduce Electronic Meetings for Board of Directors, Councillors and Members;
- To reduce the quorum of members for General Meetings and Annual General Meetings from fifty (50) to forty (40) including proxies;
- To provide for the potential setting up of an “Employees Entitlement Fund” to attract and retain employees and staff; and
- The correction of minor inconsistencies and grammatical errors.
By Order of the Board
John Hugh
Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW
Dated 17th November 2020