ACCA Aged Care Ltd

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Notice of meeting and business to be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Chinese Community Association of New South Wales (ACCA) to be held at 12.00pm on Sunday, 8 December 2019 at Aerial UTS Function Centre, UTS Building 10, Level 7, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007.

Registration commences at 11:30am. Ballot papers for election of directors issued to eligible voting members.


  1. Opening of meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. Confirmation of minutes of previous AGM held on 9 December 2018 and General Meeting held on 29 September 2019
  4. Report by President – Annual Report 2018-19
  5. Report by Treasurer – Annual Financial Report ended 30 June 2019 (including Auditor’s Report)
  6. Constitutional Amendment Resolution –

Special Resolution: That the proposed amendment to the Constitution (marked as “Annexure A”) as recommended by the Board be adopted.

Special Resolution means a resolution passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution. Clause 40.1 states that the Constitution may be altered, rescinded or added to only by a Special Resolution of the Company.

  1. Other business
  2. Declaration of results for the election of Directors
  3. Close of meeting


John Hugh


Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW

Dated 7th November 2019